Saturday, April 11, 2009

The Kitchener Stitch

Do YOU like it? I used to not like it. I used to have to look at the directions EVERY time, no matter how many socks I've made, because I just couldn't seem to get it. Well, I've been cured of that and here's why:

See the red line with the arrows? That is 12" (TWELVE INCHES!) worth of kitchener stitch; 43 stitches on each needle (EIGHTY-SIX STITCHES!). I'm used to 4 or 6 or 8 stitches on each needle. No wonder I never remembered. Now, I don't think I'll ever forget. And now I don't dislike it so much.

So, this is my felted knapsack in progress. (By the way, I'm testing this out on the suggestion of Diane G. who would like to see a class in it. As long as it goes well, I'll schedule a class in the summer. Thanks for the idea Diane!) It is currently 23" long and 17" wide (12" wide at the front of the base). I'm proceeding to the straps today and hopefully will felt by the end of the weekend. (My other weekend "goal" is to finish weaving in the ends of my Rambling Rows afghan....ugh.)

1 comment:

Libby said...

Wow - you knit ALOT since Wednesday afternoon. Looks great!