Saturday, October 31, 2009

Store Security

It was a beautiful day at the shop on Saturday. I had the doors and windows open because it was so nice outside. It's hard to believe that now it's November! Lots of fun to be had by those who came to knit for the day. Joan was leaving the store when Laura jokingly said to her, "You paid for your yarn, didn't you?" and Joan started making a loud "beeping" noise as she got to the door, pretending to set off the "store alarm". Oh my gosh. So funny. Never a dull moment when knitters hang out at the shop.
Thanks to Joan who watched the shop on Sunday so I could help Paul with the shed doors. I know, you are dying for a picture -- but I don't have one! While they are virtually finished, we "mocked" them up but then had to take them back down so Paul can paint them. I dare say the shed is basically done. Just a matter of hanging the doors, then putting all the shed-ly stuff in there.
Show and tell:
Laura's adorable Baby Belle sweater made with Encore:
Isn't the ruffle so cute?

Blanca's wonderful woven scarf, also made with Encore:
She made this after taking the Weaving on a Rigid Heddle Loom class!
Lois' Blooming Cotton Scarf, with an added crochet border to help prevent curling:
Looks beautiful!
I'm hoping this week to get in a bunch of yarn! Ecological wool, Tupa, Mini Mochi (new colors!), Rustic and more.....

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Spinning Room gear

In the hulabaloo of Rhinebeck, I completely forgot to take pictures of Joan, Yvette, Jane, Paul and myself wearing our Spinning Room t-shirts!!!! Here is mine:

We wore these at the booth and it was very helpful for people to see that we were the ones that could help them if they had questions. We didn't see any other booths that had such cool apparel. Just saying. (Maybe we'll be trendsetters.) I'm hoping to have these for sale in the shop soon, along with some tote bags.....
(By the way, I'm wearing a pin that Karen gave me that says "will trade husband's tools for yarn or fiber or whatever". I wore that pin home last night and Paul got a leary look on his face. ) The t-shirt logo was developed by David at who has helped me with my sign and business cards too. He does a great job. Also just saying.
Show and tell: (There is a lot of it because I'm way behind. If you have been waiting to see your projects here, I apologize!)
First is Jana because I have to tell you about this yarn:
This is the Starcrossed Slouchy Beret on Ravelry that Jana made with the DiVe Autunno yarn (mmmmm, merino). It is a new yarn I got in recently but hadn't had a chance to knit up a sample. So, my new, wonderful employee, Jana, knit one up! Yay Jana! You would not believe how nice and soft this yarn is - Jana said she loved working with it and will make another one for herself with the same yarn. The pattern is easy too!
Blanca's scarf that she made with Encore in the beginner weaving class:
We have another weaving class scheduled to start at the end of November - call me if you are interested!
Dorothy's hat made from handspun angora/nylon/wool blend:
It felt sooooo soft!
Nancy's wrap made with her own handspun laceweight yarn. We watched her knit this in the store for a long time and the result is BEAUTIFUL! Very small needles, very small yarn.

Sheila's short sleeved cardigan made with a Plymouth pattern, using Lamb's Pride bulky:

It came out wonderfully and now she is making a second one for her daughter!

Susan's gorgeous kimono, made with Encore worsted (a new colorway that has beautiful fall colors in it):
And her Mini Mochi socks:
This sock yarn has been flying off the shelves! I am currently sold out of every color but am expecting 8 colors in next week....
Three Constant Companion bags!
Carolyn's Constant Companion bag - her second knitting project ever! - which she made in a class here at the shop. It came out great with the button closure:
Amy was also in the class. She is also a newer knitter and here is HER Constant Companion bag:
Great colors!
And finally Dorah's bag which she made on her own:
She made this for an ice skater to carry her skates in!
Dorah also made this beautiful scarf with Mirasol Tupa:
This is her second scarf with this yarn because it is so wonderful to work with.
Here is Ruth in her felted hat made with Pastaza:
Very cute - she was in the shop to show me the hat and buy yarn to make another.
Kathy was away for a while and knitted all these wonderful things!:
Top left: Mini Mochi socks; Top right: Bird in Hand Mittens with Ella Rae Classic; Bottom left: Thorpe Hat with Katia Peru; Bottom right: socks with Crofter DK (self-fair-isle-ing yarn)
Her Pinkie Blanket made with Cascade 220 Superwash:
And her friendship shawl made with Silky Wool and started this summer during the Lace-a-Long:
Andrea's Valerie's Miracle Scarf made in a knit-a-long with the Princess Bride group on Ravelry:
Ravelry has a group for EVERYONE! How cool is that?
Stevie's fingerless mitts:
Her first cable project!
Sheilas first beaded scarf:
Very pretty! I actually already showed you her second one - she just hadn't gotten this one to me to photograph yet.....
Don't forget you can feel free to leave comments on the blog!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Rhinebeck 2009

Well it was my first time being a vendor at Rhinebeck and what an experience it was! First of all, what was I thinking when I said "I'll try to blog from Rhinebeck"?????? Oh my gosh, it was non-stop from the minute I got there, setting up, until packing up on Sunday. When I got back to the hotel I night I was so tired! No blogging.
Paul and I packed up the "house for the car"(aka, the car trailer) with all the yarn, shelves, kits etc. on Friday morning bright and early:
I know. Doesn't look like much. But it was!
Once everything was set up it looked like this:

Joan and Jane were there to help me on Saturday. And what a day that was! It was sooooooo busy - but so much fun. This picture does not do the crowds justice - there were A LOT of people there....
On Sunday, Yvette, Joan and Jane were there to help and it was a little slower. Paul arrived and Joan finally let me out of the booth so we could go have lunch and look around.
We found some sheep:

This one was smiling at us:
We ate a lot as usual..... kielbasy, peirogi, apple crisp, fried dough, cookies..... yum.
I bought one thing. A soft merino roving in Paul's color choice, a nice burgundy. I forgot to take a picture.
All in all, exhausting as it was, it was a great time. I think I'll go back next year.
(Thanks again and again to Joan, Yvette, Jane and Paul for all their help!!!!)

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

In a color rut???

This post is going to be dated for last week since that is when I actually started it, but I'm actually posting it on Wed, 10/21.....

I recently realized that every single sample I've knit lately is in the same color family:
Purples, plums, mauve. I absolutely love these colors but it would be nice if I made something in another color, especially if they are samples, so customers can see what things look like knitted up in something other than purple. I'll work on it.
Also, a couple of weekends ago, I had some visitors to the porch:
These are Janell's grand-puppies Lula and Gracie. Aren't they so cute? Janell makes them all kinds of coats to wear so they are VERY fashionable. They even have one that has eyelet trim - their Sunday-goin'-to-meeting coats!
Show and tell:
Annie's Double Basketweave Scarf made with Noro Silk Garden:
Gorgeous! She has had several co-workers "claim" it so if you see it on someone other than her, you know they kidnapped it!
And her very cute had made with Queensland Leche (a new, very soft yarn!):
I forgot the name of the pattern. I'm having post-Rhinebeck brain.... Annie feel free to comment (on the name of the pattern, not my post-Rhinebeck brain!).
Phyllis' Done by Monday afghan made with the Encore worsted:
She made this for her grandson and brought it to the shop for a picture before going home to put it on his bed as a surprise!
And Darla's felted clogs made with Lambs Pride:
So comfy!
Another post very soon about my adventures at Rhinebeck!

What was I THINKING????

"I'm going to finish my hoodie for Rhinebeck." HA! Not happening. Despite my best intentions, preparations for Rhinebeck have included many, many things, but not knitting the hoodie.
Check out how many needles I can knit with though....

This is my thrummed mitten. For class, I was not done with the hand part before I needed to show the students how to do the thumb, so I used another set of needles. Looks like a porcupine!
Show and Tell:
Yvette's beautiful and elegant beaded purse:
Made for her friend's daughter who got married last weekend!
Cindy's beaded scarf made with Happy Feet sock yarn:
and her set of mini-stockings that she learned to make in a class here last winter:
So cute! (This class is being offered again, November 12, 6-8pm.)
Wilna's cashmere lace scarf:
So soft and pretty!
And Nancy's top down sweater made using a pattern from the book From the Top Down by Barbara Walker:
It fits her perfectly because each step of the way, based on the book's instructions, she tailored it to fit her shape! Very cool, and a beautiful color.
Off to work on my to-do list for Rhinebeck.....two more days!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Where has the time gone?

Time seems to be slipping away from me faster and faster as Rhinebeck approaches. Hence, no blogging for a while. Lots of preparing - what to bring, how to bring it, where to put it once it gets there.

Here is what I've been working on in preparation for Rhinebeck (8 days to go!)....
Finished the Luscious Lace scarf to bring as a sample for the Ella Rae Lace Merino:

Finished the Ribble Scarf as a sample for the Woodstock Knits kit:

Finished the Handwarmer Pattern (my own design! -- I need to come up with a better name) with the Mirasol Akapana for a kit:

And the Neckwarmer to go with it:

Pattern available at Rhinebeck in these kits, then at the shop after Rhinebeck!

And now I'm working on my hoodie:

The back is 2 inches away from being done. My goal is to have it finished so I can wear it at Rhinebeck. We'll see....

Also, I put a new picture on the main page of the website to keep with the season:

Show and Tell!
Robin's adorable little baby booties, made with Cotton Rich DK, left over from her Blooming Cotton Scarf:

And speaking of the Blooming Cotton Scarf, here is Lois':
Aren't the colors great????

Christa's Best Friend Jacket from The Knit Stitch book:

This is one of the asymmetrical patterns in the book, that give it a cool, funky look.
Sheila's beaded scarf:

Barbara's felted clogs that she made for her grandson and he loves them!:

And her beaded scarf made with the Mirasol Tupa:
Lisa's cute baby sweater made with the Debbie Bliss Eco Cotton, for Megan's new baby boy (congratulations to Megan and Bill!):
And Darla's scarf made with Encore Colorspun and a pattern from the Spin Off magazine:

If you don't see your project here and you've shown it to me recently, don't worry, it will be in the next post. I'm a little behind....